Fundación ODS ACCIÓ

We are an open and participatory foundation that promotes scientific and technological development, to share and disseminate knowledge for the benefit of society.

The foundation’s main objectives are to promote the research and dissemination of scientific, technological and innovation activities aimed at contributing to sustainable development both locally and internationally.

In order to achieve our goals, we create collaboration platforms between universities, research centers and public and private entities to promote training and the transfer of knowledge for the benefit of stakeholders and society in general.


The foundation develops its action plans on a non-profit basis, actively participating in the development of these with a high degree of commitment and attending to its foundational purposes.

The foundation’s activities are focused on six main lines of action in achieving the SDGs of the 2030 Agenda.

Promote the dissemination and search for advanced innovations
Promote scientific and educational activities
Participate in local, national or international research projects
Communicate results of R+D+i projects and the impact on the SDGs
Promote the creation of scholarships and competitions that reward effort and talent
Disseminate knowledge of R+D+i projects to society and interest groups

The Foundation Community

The Community of Friends of the Foundation brings together associations, organizations and professionals from various sectors in the fields of science, training and business with a common interest: sharing knowledge and developing sustainable innovation projects to improve the living conditions of people and our planet.


Contact us

Our foundation works to facilitate the exchange of information and share knowledge between individuals, institutions and companies.

Please leave your contact details if you need more information, or send us an email to

Contacta con nosotros

Contact us

Formulario de adhesión

Para poder darte de alta en nuestra fundación como Miembro de la Comunidad, necesitamos que cumplimentes el siguiente formulario y nos lo envíes debidamente firmado a