Activities of

The Foundation

The foundation develops its activities on a non-profit basis, actively participating in the development of these with a high degree of commitment and attending to its foundational purposes.

From the foundation we promote actions to contribute to the culture of sustainable development, a challenge that we have proposed to achieve through meetings, training activities, seminars, forums, exhibitions and in general any activity that involves the dissemination and communication aimed at groups of interest for the benefit of society.

We promote the transfer of knowledge by participating in research projects by generating collaboration platforms between the people, technology centers, universities, companies, and research institutions involved, to share and disseminate the results, always in compliance with the foundational objectives based on the achievement of the 17 Global SDGs established in the 2030 Agenda, for the benefit of large groups and society in general.

The foundation’s activities are focused on six main lines of action in achieving the SDGs of the 2030 Agenda:

Promote the dissemination and search for advanced innovations
Promote scientific and educational activities
Participate in local, national or international research projects
Communicate results of R+D+i projects and the impact on the SDGs
Promote the creation of scholarships and competitions that reward effort and talent
Disseminate knowledge of R+D+i projects to society and interest groups

Ongoing activities


New proposals for European Projects on technological innovation that contribute to the fullfilment of the SDGs

The ODS ACCIÓ Foundation has participated as a partner in the presentation of two European projects, in collaboration with universities, technology centres and organisations with expertise in innovative technologies, which contribute to the protection and conservation of the environment and natural resources.

This activity contributes to the achievement of the following SDGs:


The ODS ACCIÓ Foundation has participated as a partner in the presentation of a European project proposal on renewable energy systems

The ODS ACCIÓ Foundation, in compliance with its foundational purposes, has participated as a partner in the presentation of a research and innovation project proposal to the European Commission on decentralized renewable net energy systems, in collaboration with European universities and organizations with expertise in the project’s fields of specialization.

This activity contributes to the achievement of the following SDGs:



The Fundación ODS ACCIÓ will soon present its “Innovalike” platform, a digital tool where Members of the Foundation’s Community will be able to share and disseminate their knowledge about advanced research and innovation projects that contribute to the achievement of the 17 SDG Global Goals established in the Agenda 2030, approved by the UN on September 25, 2015.

This activity contributes to the achievement of the following SDGs:



The Fundación ODS ACCIÓ has begun to work with entities, universities, and technology centers to reach collaboration agreements in the presentation of proposals on advanced innovation in the European market.

This activity contributes to the achievement of the following SDGs:

Formulario de adhesión

Para poder darte de alta en nuestra fundación como Miembro de la Comunidad, necesitamos que cumplimentes el siguiente formulario y nos lo envíes debidamente firmado a

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