Welcome to the

Fundación ODS ACCIÓ

We are an open and participatory foundation that promotes scientific and technological development to share and disseminate knowledge for the benefit of society.

Who we are

The foundation was born from the determination of a team of leading entrepreneurs in their profession, who believe in collaboration and knowledge transfer to move towards decarbonization.

One of the priorities of the foundation’s members is to build trust among stakeholders, to carry out collective innovative initiatives that transform the economy and favor an impact aimed at preserving the planet’s resources and reducing the carbon footprint.

The foundation’s founding and management team is made up of professionals with extensive experience of more than three decades in the fields of research and development of innovative technologies and in creating collaboration agreements with different groups and public and private institutions to support initiatives that promote sustainable economic growth.


Our main mission is the promotion and dissemination of activities and initiatives carried out in the field of science, technology, and innovation, aimed at contributing to sustainable development both locally and internationally.

We generate platforms for collaboration between universities, research and technology centers and public and private professional entities, to promote training and knowledge transfer for the benefit of the groups of interest and society in general.

We are

interested in

We are moved by initiatives that, in keeping with our founding principles, allow us to create agreements and spaces for collaboration to achieve the 17 Global Goals SDGs established in the 2030 Agenda, approved by the UN on September 25, 2015, and improve the living conditions of people and the planet.



We work to support initiatives that promote sustainable economic growth, equitable social inclusion, and the protection of the environment, natural resources, and ecosystems.

We promote proposals that are aimed at working towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, with the firm commitment to provide innovative solutions to achieve these goals.

We identify ourselves with stakeholders committed to the 2030 Agenda to establish key partnerships that allow us to achieve progress and opportunities to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs.

Formulario de adhesión

Para poder darte de alta en nuestra fundación como Miembro de la Comunidad, necesitamos que cumplimentes el siguiente formulario y nos lo envíes debidamente firmado a admin@fundacionodsaccio.org:

Contact us