The Foundation


From our foundation, we invite all associations, organizations and professionals from different sectors in the fields of research, training and business with a common interest to join the Community of Friends of the Foundation: to share knowledge and develop sustainable innovation projects to improve the living conditions of people and our planet.

Join our "INNOVALIKE" Project

Platform on Advanced Innovation for Sustainable Development

The Fundación ODS ACCIÓ will soon present its “Innovalike” platform, a digital tool where Members of the Foundation’s Community will be able to share and disseminate their knowledge about advanced research and innovation projects that contribute to the achievement of the 17 SDG Global Goals established in the Agenda 2030, approved by the UN on September 25, 2015.

On this digital platform we will be able to find content of maximum interest, in different formats, from the foundation itself and from expert collaborators Members of the Foundation’s Community who have joined this project and who, through their participation, effort and good practices, add value to this foundational project.

This innovation portal will have specialized sections where each Member of the Community will be able to publish their valuable content to give voice and share their activities, events, services, products, courses and any other quality information on sustainable advanced innovation of the utmost relevance.

The Sustainable Development Goals set us on a path and contribute to achieving social, economic and environmental sustainability to improve the lives of people and our planet, enhancing our reputation through sustainable practices.

For this reason and in line with our main founding purposes, we make this tool available to all interested entities and professionals who wish to share their innovation and help us promote the communication, dissemination, and transfer of knowledge of sustainable projects for the benefit of collectives, entities, and the society in general.


If you are interested in knowing the terms and conditions of participation of our project “INNOVALIKE” project, you can write us an email to or through our contact form.

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Formulario de adhesión

Para poder darte de alta en nuestra fundación como Miembro de la Comunidad, necesitamos que cumplimentes el siguiente formulario y nos lo envíes debidamente firmado a